3D Printing can come in handy, especially when it comes to designing something with both functionality AND style. So how about a Mario Star that can store your Nintendo Switch cartridges in both a convenient AND cool way! This may seem like a pretty complex project, but it’s actually much simpler than you think; it only took about 30 minutes in total to design, and then a few hours to print. What that means is that in the span of less than a day I went from my idea of a fun and stylish way to store my Nintendo Switch catridges, to it being completed and ready for display! It’s that kind of rapid prototyping that makes 3D printing so amazing!

Want to learn how to design and 3D Print things yourself? Sign up for one of TheBrianJ3D’s 3D Printing Workshops to learn!

Learn how to design and 3D Print your own projects through workshops at TheBrianJ3D!
